total amount : 123

Olfactometer and Gustometer

Modular Olfactometer OL025

Modular Olfactometer OL025

The modular olfactometer OL025 is a device for generating precise and reproducible olfactory or pain stimuli in the nose, without tactile or thermal stimulation. The rise time of the stimulus is fast enough to allow the recording of olfactory evoked potentials (OEP).

The integration of intelligent electronics greatly simplifies the use of the OL025. The control software make operation intuitive and easy.

A USB port serves as a connection between PC and olfactometer.


Experiment Olfactometer OL022

The Olfactometer OL022 is made to perform psychophysical experiments. To enhance cost-effectivity, it goes without warming of the connection hose and the odorant modules.
The MolfControl control software is used for easy operation of the unit.

The research Olfactometer OL023

Research Olfactometer OL023

The research Olfactometer OL023 was developed for highest functional range. Depending on it's stage of extension, it offers the possibility of birhinal stimulation and/or application of up to 12 odorants (max. 6 odorants per nostril). The time-tested warming system, humidification of air flows and the modern software allow for reproducibility of experiments in a comfortable way. The modular design of the OL023 allows to equip and also extent the device according to customer's desires. The software, developed and constantly improved by Burghart, contributes to the usability of the device.
Special humidification modules are listed in the menu entry 'accessories'. The device is largely independent and only needs a normal power socket (attention, please contact us for non-European connections) and a waste air duct in the room.

Compact Olfactometer OL024

Compact Olfactometer OL024

The compact Olfactometer OL024 is intended to be used for smaller experiment setups, which nonetheless, require exact reproducibility without tactile and thermal stimulation. The OL024 is the compact form of a 2-channel OL023. It is optimized for easy handling, small dimensions, and has a lower price. It is running with the operation software of the  OL023 (MolfControl). The device is largely independent and only needs a normal power socket (attention, please contact us for non-European connections) and a waste air duct in the room.



The control software for the Olfactometers is a central element in carrying out series of tests on a larger scale.

- Individual safe of the values for every test and      access again
- Windows look and feel
- Same screen layout for every Olfactometer


The new version of the control software stands out with an improved user interface and accelerated processes.

- Improved possibilities of fault-analysis
- Possibility to change the language
- Works on all systems which achieve the minimum hard- and software requirements
- Connected via a USB-cable to a PC

Burghart EEG OL026

Burghart EEG OL026

Newly developed by Burghart, the EEG (OL026) is mainly dedicated to simple recording of olfactory and gustatory evoked potentials. The main feature of this 8-channel device is the very clear and simple handling. In just a few steps, any user with basic knowledge can record evoked potentials. Data can be evaluated and printed. It is presented in a format which can be well imported in other programs. The Burghart EEG is fully compatible with the Olfactometer types OL016, OL023, OL024 and the Gustometer GU002. The trigger interface can be directly connected to a printer port as well; e.g. for control by software programs like E-Prime or Presentation. 

Multistimulator OG001

Multistimulator OG001

The Multistimulator OG001 is developed for the application of up to 3 different odorants, 3 different taste solutions or a combination of both. The device offers space for 3 modules which can be taste or odorant modules. The OG001 is intendet to be used for start-up experiments in olfaction and gustation. It can also be used for simple fMRI experiments.

Software Features

Gustometer GU003

The Gustometer GU003 is a complex device to produce well-defined reproducible taste-stimuli on the tongue. All liquids are warmed to avoid tactile and thermal irritations and keep the natural sensitivity of the tongue. A special spray principle makes rising edges of less than 50 ms possible so that evoked potentials can be obtained.